The Word of God proclaims the Gospel of Jesus. And in his Word is the Mission of God's Chosen Ones Ministry. GCOM is a Church without division that is open to all. It is a Church void of segregation because of race, creed, and sexual orientation, a Church without walls of denominational barriers, where God's Banner over us is love, a Church of born again, spirit-filled believers who are governed by principles of God's Word, a Church where the fruits of love are joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith and temperance are abundant. This Ministry plans to reach out to those who are lost, hungry and thristy in there spiritual and human realm. We are called to reach out beyond these walls and demonstrate the principals of the Kingdom of God on this earth and to assume the responsibility of our church and the community and set standards of righteousness.
These are the things that are prescribed by God's Word and our mission to fulfill.
Serving God and His people with our
Hearts, Mind, Body and Soul
God's Chosen Ones Ministry
Meeting at:
Araamda Inn & Suites
5985 Oakbrook Parkway
Norcross, GA 30093